Kim and I have now been married for 15 years and we had a wonderful wedding. It was a hot day in Charlotte, N.C. and the church was packed. My grandad, Max White was my best man and my dad led the ceremony. We have great pictures and a old video that probably needs to be converted to dvd, but the most memorable event of the day, was seeing my beautiful bride come down the aisle with her dad by her side. Priceless! It was a great day!
I don't remember us dancing at our reception, but there is a wedding video out on youtube that has gone viral in cyberspace. I believe it has like 15 million hits in the last week alone. You have to see this video. Copy this link and turn the speakers up....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8DCt3Lmi28 . Not the most religious song, but you can't say they were not having fun. The couples name are Kevin and Jill and the wedding was in Minnesota. They were on the Today Show a few days ago talking about this with Matt Lauer.
Qualls, Just catching up with you via your blog. Looking forward to more of your thoughts.