In ministry, the value of a strong team can not be under-estimated! It has been a privilege to work with this team of folks at South Pointe. Each is uniquely gifted and has made a significant impact upon the kingdom of God in the Pageland community.
Thanks to Joni for her second straight summer pouring herself and Jesus into our kids! Her love for children is obvious and she will be missed as she goes back to North Greenville University to begin her junior year. Pray for her that God will continue to direct her path and be a shining light for Him on the college scene.
Gary and I had the privilege of working together for 18 months in the ministry. If you know Gary - you learn quickly that his passion is music and leading people to worship God. I have admired and respected how he has stretched himself in the area of student ministry. Having no prior experience in this area, he learned quickly that a strong student ministry is built on relationships. If kids know you care, they will come back. I don't even think Gary realizes the impact he has had on our students during this time. Gary will be missed greatly, especially by me. I appreciate his friendship, prayers, and support! I thank him also for teaching this "old pastor" a thing or two about worship. It has been a blessing my brother - and I wish you the best at East Taylorsville!
Dan Wooten - You survived your first year as principal/administrator of the school ministry! Dan is just a great all around guy and is one of the most level-headed, even-keeled persons I know. It takes a lot to rattle Dan and I appreciate his passion for Christian education. His desire is to see kids come to know Christ and for our school ministry to make a difference in families lives. Thanks Dan for all you do brother for the kingdom! Your friendship and constant feedback of encouragement to me is a blessing!
Well - you have all heard the statement there is no "I" in team". The South Pointe team is now down to "2". It's you me and Dan!!! What we are experiencing is what happens in ministry and is a constant reminder to all of us that the ministry is bigger than us. We are simply servants to the King of kings and trust Him to guide and lead us everyday. I can't wait to see who God adds to our picture soon. Stay tuned!
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