Have you ever been to Disneyworld? I have been a couple of times and it is a "magical" place. Disney offers an experience that is hard to match. Last year was the "Year of A million dreams" in Disney. It was a year-long campaign where random gifts were given out. Gifts included gift cards, dream fast-passes, one night in Cinderella's Castle, and much more. The dream team were the ones who gave these prizes out at designated times. We happened to be at Hollywood Studios one day and we saw the dream team and were so excited. We received dream fast passes for all of the major rides at the park that day which would allow us to be the first in line for those rides. It was a great feeling! We were in the right place at the right time!
Last night, about 10 of us had the opportunity to go to the local Bi-Lo and help two random families out with their grocery bill. The local newspaper was there taking pictures and doing interviews that will be in print on August 11th in the Pageland area. I have to say it was very humbling to be a part of this type of blessing.
Basically, we spread out all in the store, "spying" on different folks deciding on who to bless. That was very difficult, because there are many in need today. We ended up buying $50 of groceries for two families. One was Donnie and Lori, who had lived in Pageland all of their lives. They seemed shocked and amazed that they were to receive this blessing.
The purpose of this series is not to bring more people to come to South Pointe Fellowship, but to bring hope in people's lives and to know that someone out there cares. Like the Disney dream team, as we bless others it is my hope that "Operation Blessing" will begin a movement in the community where small blessings occur every day. Are you ready to be a blessing?
It was a wonderful blessing for me to be a part of Operation Blessing last night at Bi-lo. I am looking forward to the upcoming series.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed being a part of the Operation Blessing experience at Bi-Lo yesterday! It reminded me of how blessed I am and that I need to be sharing blessings with others,even if it means going out of my comfort zone!
ReplyDeleteGreat Job! People need to know there are still
ReplyDeletecaring people in the world.
Great Logo!
ReplyDelete"For even the Son of man came not to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many" (Mark 10:45). Giving... a God thing.