Over the past three days I have the privilege of leading two young ladies to Christ. Wow! God is awesome in how He works in peoples lives and uses others to plant the seed and then at the right moment they give their lives to Him. I will admit there are times as a Christ-Follower I don't tell others about Him. I rationalize in my mind that they will figure it out in there own time......etc...
With the latest two ladies coming into the kingdom - Heather and Kerry, I am reminded how God is working in hearts and they are searching and we have to be available and ready to share and lead them to Jesus. I, like most of you can become too busy doing good things and miss these opportunities. May we slow down and see these moments where people are searching for answers and simply need to hear that God loves them and has a plan for their life. That no sin they have ever committed can keep them from the forgiveness God offers through His Son Jesus!!!
The Bible says, "the labourers are few". Will you join with me to be a labourer?
Thank you for being there when needed to help fertilize and water the seed!