Our church just hosted it's first ever Father/Daughter dance last weekend! It was a blast! Over 40 father/daughter couples attended and danced the night away. My daughter is approaching those "dreaded" teenage years quickly and these moments are vital to show her how a date should treat her. As fathers - our daughters look to us as their rock and shield, a protector and example of what they should eventually look for in a guy. These opportunities pass us by all to quickly. May we all not miss out on these teachable and priceless moments with our sweet little girls.
Dads - Let's not do this once a year, but take regular opportunities to show the special ladies (our wife and daughters) in our lives how much we love them and express that through date nights. Yes- that does mean buying a few flowers every now and then too!
On a side note - most of us parents really make a major mistake when we allow our children and especially our daughters to date at an early age. Often, they are exposed to quickly to emotions and other things that really can wait a few years. That being said, it is personal conviction, but it is something parents should certainly pray about.
The dance was AWESOME! And, I completely agree with you about dating too soon!