Last week, I had the privilege of picking up several pastors from the airport for the Real Evangelism Conference at FBC Indian Trail. It was a real blessing to hear pastors such as Jonathan Faldwell, Ergun Caner, and Johnny Hunt preach, but even greater was the one-on-one time in the car and time spent for a meal. These men were just down to earth and "real". God is certainly using them to grow the Kingdom and blessing their ministries.
I had met Pastor Johnny in Nashville, TN in 2005 at a meeting to help launch a church plant in Las Vegas, Nevada. By the way, we did sponsor that church plant along with several other churches and that plant known as Gracepointe Church baptized 200 last year! WOW! I am sure Johnny did not remember our personal meeting, but even then I remember his attentiveness while we talked liked I was the only one in the room.
I learned a lot from Pastor Johnny that night, but the greatest thing I will take away from our few hours together was his love and passion for Jesus and sharing it to everyone. There was a kinship in that Chili's in Matthews, N.C through the Holy Spirit and was a night that I will treasure as long as I live. My prayer is that I will keep the passion and energy that Pastor Mike Whitson (FBCIT pastor) and Pastor Johnny Hunt have in 25 years when I am their age and to encourage younger pastors to see stay focused on Christ. (How does the suit look? I know some of you are thinking the same thing....save this picture..it might be a long time before you see me in one again) :)