How many times have you asked that question? Often being in the "pastor bubble", I am tempted to make decisions based on what others will say or think of me. I used to give in to this line of thinking. I think it is natural for all of us to measure decisions we make based on that question. However, I believe it is the wrong question to ask and often leads us down a road that is unhealthy for us.
The question we need to ask ourselves is this: What does God think? You see, this answer should lead us in all of our decisions. You see, when you will allow the pressure of others to influence your decisions, you become a controlled person. You allow what others think of you to be your reason for doing or not doing things. Believe me when I say this - because I have firsthand experience! Now, I rationalized these things to make them ok in my mind and even fooled myself by justifying that they were good things I was doing. However, as I look back I was only hurting myself and those closet to me.
Today - my filter for decisions is based on God first. I fight the urge to succumb to what others think I should do and do what I believe God has called me to do. By prioritizing this; I believe I am a better husband, a better dad, a better friend, and even a better pastor in the eyes of God. It is not an easy road to get to this place, nor is it easy to stay in this place, but I encourage all of you to go for it. Quit trying to live up to someone else's expectations and live up to God's. This will take courage and not be easy, but it is worth it in the end.
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