I just started a new book this week by Dr. Meg Meeker entitled, "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters". Having a daughter who just turned 11, this has been a very eye-opening read. As a husband, I realize the huge differences between men and women, but viewing that through a little girl's eyes is different.
Fathers play a huge role in the home today. Matter of fact, the lack of a father's presence is playing a major role in the rebellion of young people in our world today. Kudos to all the single mom's today who hold it together. Father's are a little girls first view of men in her life. I am my daughter's first love and our relationship (good or bad) will determine how she views boys in the future once she starts to date, etc.
I wrote Emma a note today and put it in her room. The note was very simple, but conveyed how much I love her and complimented her on how much her smile brightens my day and how I could not wait to see what God had planned for her life. I also shared with her that no boy or man would ever love her more than I do for the rest of her life.
I love all my children equally, but having one girl and two boys; it is important that I remember that their needs are different and how I communicate with them is different. I can not wait to finish this book and put more of these thoughts into practice.
This made me cry.... It was good.