I just got back from Atlanta, GA attending the Catalyst Conference that is put on by Andy Stanley. It was as unbelievable event! It is mostly geared to 40 and under church leaders, but touched all who were there. The speakers were all across the spectrum of Christian circles including Dave Ramsey, Rob Bell (Nooma dvd guy), Chuck Swindoll (more on him in a later blog), Andy Stanley, Louie Giglio, Matt Chandler, Tony Dungy (Colts football coach) and many more.
If you know anything about the guys I just mentioned, there are a lot of differences within their belief systems, denominations, etc, but the common thread was and is belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I really was challenged by the guys that I don't necessarily agree with, but I find this helpful and it makes me think a little deeper. It is easy to read books and listen to pastors that we like and agree with 99.5% of the time. As a Christ-follower of more than 30 years, I want to see what others are thinking.
My next few blog posts will be thoughts from this conference, but I would like to start with a quote from Rob Bell - "
Our children pick up what really matters to us without us ever saying a word."Chew on that one for a little bit - more coming soon.