Friday, October 30, 2009

If you live in the Pageland area, come on out to our Fall Festival at South Pointe Fellowship on Saturday. It starts at 4:00 and will include a trunk or treat, inflatables, all kinds of food, dunking booth, funnel cakes, and even a silent auction. The trunk or treat is for all kids 5th grade and under. It should be a great time for all families in the community for a safe alternative to halloween. For more info, visit our website at

Monday, October 26, 2009

What will others think?

How many times have you asked that question? Often being in the "pastor bubble", I am tempted to make decisions based on what others will say or think of me. I used to give in to this line of thinking. I think it is natural for all of us to measure decisions we make based on that question. However, I believe it is the wrong question to ask and often leads us down a road that is unhealthy for us.

The question we need to ask ourselves is this: What does God think? You see, this answer should lead us in all of our decisions. You see, when you will allow the pressure of others to influence your decisions, you become a controlled person. You allow what others think of you to be your reason for doing or not doing things. Believe me when I say this - because I have firsthand experience! Now, I rationalized these things to make them ok in my mind and even fooled myself by justifying that they were good things I was doing. However, as I look back I was only hurting myself and those closet to me.

Today - my filter for decisions is based on God first. I fight the urge to succumb to what others think I should do and do what I believe God has called me to do. By prioritizing this; I believe I am a better husband, a better dad, a better friend, and even a better pastor in the eyes of God. It is not an easy road to get to this place, nor is it easy to stay in this place, but I encourage all of you to go for it. Quit trying to live up to someone else's expectations and live up to God's. This will take courage and not be easy, but it is worth it in the end.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters

I just started a new book this week by Dr. Meg Meeker entitled, "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters". Having a daughter who just turned 11, this has been a very eye-opening read. As a husband, I realize the huge differences between men and women, but viewing that through a little girl's eyes is different.

Fathers play a huge role in the home today. Matter of fact, the lack of a father's presence is playing a major role in the rebellion of young people in our world today. Kudos to all the single mom's today who hold it together. Father's are a little girls first view of men in her life. I am my daughter's first love and our relationship (good or bad) will determine how she views boys in the future once she starts to date, etc.

I wrote Emma a note today and put it in her room. The note was very simple, but conveyed how much I love her and complimented her on how much her smile brightens my day and how I could not wait to see what God had planned for her life. I also shared with her that no boy or man would ever love her more than I do for the rest of her life.

I love all my children equally, but having one girl and two boys; it is important that I remember that their needs are different and how I communicate with them is different. I can not wait to finish this book and put more of these thoughts into practice.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thoughts from Catalyst Part II

Chuck Swindoll had an awesome message at the recent Catalyst conference in Atlanta that I thought you would like to read. His ministry has touched so many lives. It was neat to see the person I had heard on the radio for so long. Here are the 10 ten things he learned during almost 50 years of leadership:

1. It is lonely to lead.
2. It is hardest at home.
3. It is dangerous to succeed.
4. It is essential to be real.
5. It is painful to obey.
6. Brokenness and failure are necessary.
7. My attitude is more important than my actions.
8. Integrity eclipses image.
9. God's way is better than my way.
10. Christ-likeness begins and ends with humility.

By the way - Christmas is coming early this week at South Pointe. Don't miss the 10:45 service as Santa "Qualls" is coming to town. See ya Sunday!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Catalyst Conference 2009

I just got back from Atlanta, GA attending the Catalyst Conference that is put on by Andy Stanley. It was as unbelievable event! It is mostly geared to 40 and under church leaders, but touched all who were there. The speakers were all across the spectrum of Christian circles including Dave Ramsey, Rob Bell (Nooma dvd guy), Chuck Swindoll (more on him in a later blog), Andy Stanley, Louie Giglio, Matt Chandler, Tony Dungy (Colts football coach) and many more.

If you know anything about the guys I just mentioned, there are a lot of differences within their belief systems, denominations, etc, but the common thread was and is belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I really was challenged by the guys that I don't necessarily agree with, but I find this helpful and it makes me think a little deeper. It is easy to read books and listen to pastors that we like and agree with 99.5% of the time. As a Christ-follower of more than 30 years, I want to see what others are thinking.

My next few blog posts will be thoughts from this conference, but I would like to start with a quote from Rob Bell - "Our children pick up what really matters to us without us ever saying a word."

Chew on that one for a little bit - more coming soon.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

MLB playoffs to begin

As most of you know, I am a huge Yankees fan! I am excited about the chance to win a 27th world championship. Last year was the first time since I have been married that I was not watching the yankees play in October and I am glad it was just a year break.

My dad is to blame for my love of the yankees. He was a big Mickey Mantle fan growing up and passed that tradition down to me. So - to all you braves fans - eat your heart out!

Let's go Yankees! Let's go Yankees!

Friday, October 2, 2009

To Drink or not to Drink

This is a big topic of discussion for many people in the 21st century, especially among religious circles. We take an in-depth look at what the Bible says about the subject this weekend at South Pointe Fellowship as we continue the "Q and A" series.

Everybody has an opinion don't they! I have to say, that I don't ever remember trying or drinking beer. The smell is terrible to me, nevertheless this is an issue within the church. There are arguments on both sides of the fence, but like everything else it comes down to what God says from His Word.

This is an issue that I have had plenty of conversations about over the years. One of the things I hear most from Christ-followers is that this is a "gray area". I highly disagree with that assessment. The Bible lays things out in black and white and we have the Holy Spirit inside of us to discern how we should live our lives.

Join us Sunday as we continue the discussion with a fresh look at what God would have us do as it comes to alcohol. For more info about this series, visit our website at