I love this time of the summer! It is the time when the annual college football magazines are published and "experts" make their picks. College football is awesome even if your team is terrible. The fall weather, tail-gating, band playing, and the opportunity to win a big game is rivaled by no other sport. Can you smell the stadium food too? Of course, I am a big UNC tarheel fan and I know we have struggled for the most part, especially when compared to our #1 basketball tradition, but it is fun nonetheless.
There are big expectations on the "Hill" this year. Most magazines have us predicted to be in the top 25 and to compete for the coastal division title. Away games at Va. Tech and Ga. Tech will be major challenges, but are winnable. I have a few tickets this year and am looking forward to the drive up to "Blue Heaven" otherwise known as Chapel Hill on those fall Saturdays.
I hope we have a great season, but all the predictions in the world don't matter when the whistle blows and the ball is kicked. It is up to the players on the field. That is so true of our lives. There are people in our lives that may discourage us and say we are not going to amount to much,,etc.....but the reality is that we make the choices that determine our successes or failures. There are very few teams that go undefeated throughout a whole season today! All great teams face a time when something doesn't go their way and may or may not possibly let one slip away. What makes the difference between a mediocre team and a championship caliber team is how they respond to adversity. Coaches often have a saying - "leave it all out on the field". May we do the same with our lives and give God our very best no matter what others may say.
Go Tarheels!!!
Great blog!! Adversity--let me see--do I know anything about it!!--All Christians are bombarded daily from the great ADVERSARY!! By God's grace may we daily depend on Him to help overcome adversity minute by minute, so that we will give only our very best at any cost!!