On our recent trip to Grand Cayman, I quickly became aware of the higher prices of things. Our hotel room had a fridge with some snack items in there that looked pretty good. I was thirsty so I pulled out a diet coke to drink and then noticed the price sheet laying on the counter. The cost for that one can (12 oz.) was $4.00!! So I had a decision to make - drink that can and pay $4.00 or I could walk a mile (I did not rent the car yet) to the local grocery store and buy a 12-pack of diet cokes for $8.00. Convenience does cost a lot! I decided that it was worth the effort to walk a mile and save a little money and have a few diet cokes the rest of the week instead of that one moment.
As I made that mile walk, I realized that many of us treat Christianity the same way. Like the popular "Staples" commercials, we hit the "easy" button. Who doesn't like easy? We all do, but it when comes to being a Christian, the Bible gives no reference to it being easy. If you need proof, start in Acts 4 and keep reading.
The mentality of "Convenient Christianity" is alive in most churches today. This thought process misleads people into believing that we worship and serve God on our terms and when it is convenient to us. Jesus clearly said in Luke 9:57-62 that it costs something to follow Him. It certainly cost Jesus something as He hung on that cross for humanity. May we quit taking shortcuts in our relationship with God and really live our lives as a daily sacrifice to Him. Instead of just saving money may we begin to be a small part of partnering with God in saving souls.
great post! and so true!