Hey guys! Sorry for the drought of blog posts -
As most of you know my tarheels are struggling in basketball right now. Did any of you catch the headlines where head coach Roy Williams was quoted as comparing the teams poor play to what recently happened in Haiti. I believe Roy has since issued an apology, however what a major mess-up on Roy's part.
Have you ever said something you regretted? I think we all have! The older I get the more sensitive I am to this type of thing and try my best to be clear with what I am trying to communicate. By the way - e-mails and text messages can easily be misconstrued and interpreted incorrectly. I have learned that it is best not to communicate with folks in this way if there is a hint of major conflict.
May we think before we speak. I believe the Bible even addresses this issue in the book of James:
"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry..." (1:19)
Words can hurt and it is something we can not take back! May we learn a big lesson from the UNC head coach and think before we speak!
I am a firm believer that we have TWO ears and ONE mouth for a very good reason!:)
ReplyDeleteIt would be good if we all think before we speak. While words can cut deep, sometimes the tone of our speech can hurt almost as deeply as the words themselves. It would be good if we all put ourselves in the other person's shoes before we speak and think about how what we are about to say might be received. On the other hand, words can also be very encouraging. As we strive to avoid hurtful conversation, let us think of ways we can encourage and build up others with the words we speak. A kind or encouraging word can go a long way toward brightening someone's day. When we speak with love in our hearts we allow the love of Christ to shine through.