I love that old hymn...."At the cross". You remember - "At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my hear rolled away...." What a great song.
Too often we forget about the cross. Oh- we remember at Easter and maybe when we partake of the Lord's Supper, but don't think of it nearly enough! You see the cross is what separates us as "Christ followers" than any other religion or belief system in the world today. There are many beliefs in other gods, but Christianity is the only religion where God Himself comes to earth in the form of man and dies for you and me!
Even typing that - has an effect upon on my thoughts and my heart. WOW!
May we think of the cross each day and be reminded of how much God loves us and live that out by loving Him back and others we come in contact with each day!
It is about the cross.....period!!!!