Cellphone's seem to be one of those necessary "evils" in today's world. I admit I am fully in that group that depends way to much on this technology. I realized that for sure after dropping my phone in water over the weekend. I instantly lost all access to the internet (college football scores), e-mail, and the ability to talk to anybody. On Sunday, I was relegated to my wife's old regular phone. Not fun!
On Monday, I was down at the cellphone store getting a new phone. What bothered me the most was not having my contact list. Who remembers people's numbers anymore? I still have not gotten that resolved which is driving me crazy.
I think the issue in today's world is connectivity. The younger culture has this need to be "connected" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, wherever they are on planet earth. I am 38 and I feel this way to a certain extent and did not even grow up in the middle of this technology boom. If I feel that way, how do you think our teenagers or college students feel about it. Scary?
I hope this little absence of busyness and information will help me to slow down a little and not put my dependence in a little piece of hardware, but push me to more dependence on God.
Maybe dropping that phone in the water was a "good" thing! We shall see!
It is a shame that, very often, our desire to be connected to the world seems to outweigh our desire to be connected to God....