Have you ever done something crazy? Last week, I jumped out of the comfort zone and it was a blast. A new Chick-fil-a opened near my house and they were having a "First 100" promotion giving away free chicken for a year. I called my brother-in-law, Todd who lives in Spartanburg to come join me on my quest. Here are the rules - Chick-fil-a selects 100 people that have to stay on property for 24 hours before it has its grand opening. If you do that, you win. The catch was this - 170 people showed up at 6:00 a.m. to win. Therefore, the dreaded lottery was put in place and 100 were chosen. Todd was picked #1!!! I couldn't believe it! I was sweating it our for awhile, but was selected #50!!!
Todd brought a tent and sleeping bags and we set up camp in the parking lot. It was an absolute blast! They fed us free Chick-fil-a all day. We played all kinds of games - Check out this link for a suprise video of one game I participated in.
It was a rough night trying to sleep. Temp was 46 degrees and it was a little noisy, but we survived. We got up at 5:15 a.m. lined up and walked in to the store around 6:15 a.m. to the sounds of pots and pans and cheers as we received our 52 coupons for a #1 combo valued at $310.00. It was a great time and something Todd and I will never forget especially as we eat 52 sandwiches for free this year.
Check out the victory pics to the right -