When I think of 2010, I think of the movie, "2001: a space odyssey" and the sequel "2010". Some far out date that would never come and if it did we probably would be riding in space cars. Nevertheless, we are officially in the year 2010. Have you made any resolutions yet?
Some of the top ones are dieting, exercise, saving money, etc....Most Americans will break their resolution in two weeks. Yes, by January 14th, it's all over. For some, they may take it a little longer, but most will be done before we hit the month of love.
I am all about goals and stuff, but I like to look at it more in line with commitments! You see commitments are harder to break than resolutions. As a Christ follower, commitments mean something.
Here are my top ten goals/commitments for 2010(in no particular order):
1. Run a 10k and a half-marathon
2. Spend quality time with each of my children
3. Treat my wife like it was the first year we were dating.
4. Read 20 books.
5. Continue to work the baby steps from Dave Ramsey to achieve financial goals.
6. Expand the ministry of South Pointe to reach the greater Pageland community.
7. Share the Gospel intentionally with a least one person a week for the year.
8. Be head coach for my son's baseball team.
9. Play tennis regularly with my daughter.
10. Spend more time in prayer than ever before.
Happy New Year! I will keep you posted as I attempt to hold to my goals/commitments for 2010.