First, let me say to all, "Merry Christmas". We didn't get to send the annual "Qualls" family Christmas card this year. It is sort of my fault....could never quite find the right photo, but I promise to do better next year.
I absolutely love this picture! Thomas Kinkade is awesome and is very gifted. We have a few of his paintings in our home that are beautiful. I especially love this one of the church covered with snow in the countryside. Notice the lights burning bright inside the church and the horse carriage out in front.
I am not going to get all theological on you here.....but I pray that our light shines brightly this Christmas and new year. That others will see the difference Jesus makes in our lives...that we will take that light out into the world....that we will step out of comfort zones...that we will prioritize our marriages...that we will be better moms and dads...that we will be better spenders of money.....etc....
Enjoy this time with your family.....Here is wishing for that "White Christmas"! Merry Christmas and God bless!